Thursday, August 19, 2010

Internet dating = bad idea!?

the guy says he lives in Nova Scotia and she (my friend)lives in Quebec.....and she says that he loves her and she loves him but ever since he went to her house....she stoped going on MSN and shes not answering the phone :S, should i worry or are they just busy together....(the guy is a *fresh* adult and the girl is still a teen)

Internet dating = bad idea!?
If you have not been able to make contact with your friend since his visit ( phone,Internet, cell phone,)then I think there is justifiable cause for concern. Do you have mutual friends close to her who could check on her especially if she lives alone or with vulnerable people?I suggest that if you try everything I have mentioned to no avail, I advise you to call the police immediately and send them over to her place.Let's keep our fingers crossed that it is a simple uneventful silence. Please, keep us posted on your findings.
Reply:If she is under the age of consent, that's illegal...and you ought to report them.
Reply:if hes an adult and shes a teen, thats got bad news written all over it.
Reply:Umm...You might want to worry....If she lives with her parents, then just call them, but if she's living alone...You need to contact the authorities.
Reply:I would be concerned. As I'm sure you know, the news is full of cases that sound like the one you describe. At the very least, keep trying to connect with her. You didn't say how young a teen your friend is, but if this "relationship" is illegal, you should tell someone. I think you should tell someone anyway because you can't reach your friend. Do you know her parents or other family members? Can you contact the webmaster of the site they met on?
Reply:no, but you should stll be careful.
Reply:Does she live alone or with her parents? If she lives alone, perhaps you should contact the authorities...

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