Sunday, August 22, 2010

Has any1 done Internet dating and sent money abroad and found the date was just using you as a ticket to UK?

twice i have got involved with russian women,1st 1 i sent money too,,she conned me,,stupid of me,,but again i have been in contact with a russian girl and she has asked me to send money,,i want to believe shes real,,but i got hurt 1st time and think its gonna happen again,,what does any 1 think because i dont know what to do

Has any1 done Internet dating and sent money abroad and found the date was just using you as a ticket to UK?
Don't do it, anyone asking for money is just poopy, if she really liked you, she'd try and get the money herself, from someone who isn't you. Stick with what you know.
Reply:There are many scams going on on the dating sites involving "women" from Russia and other countries.

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Reply:She's a scammer...learn from your mistakes.

You're not the only guy she said all those nice things to.
Reply:Why do you feel the need to look for a Russian woman and send them money even tho you suspect they may be using you to get to UK. I met a lady the other day who was American and she came to Britain in Oct 2005 to get married. She met him on the Internet and he proposed on the internet she had spent money supporting him, paying his back rent buying him a car etc. Once they were married he said no sex in this marriage a lot of relationships have no sex. He lied about his earnings and she was paying for most things. He was out most nights and weekends so they has no life together. She has now give up and his going home approx £30,000 worse off. So although there are some success stories there are stories like this one. Keep your money until you meet someone here.
Reply:do not send money. Most are scams. A friend of mine did same thing and lost his money also.
Reply:youve learned your lesson, dontdo it again
Reply:It is an obvious con. I don't believe you fell for it, more than once.

If they genuinly want to start a new life with you, they can sell up all their assets and move to be with you. These aren't poor people in shanty towns, they have broadband internet, digital cameras, and can afford the excessive rates of internet dating sites.

If you can't believe it is a con yourself, buy her tickets, don't give her cash, I bet she comes up with some yarn that she can't receive mail.
Reply:dont do it. Once bitten twice shy! x
Reply:Not too bright are you? If any female asks you for money it's a scam.

You sound like the type that buys drinks for women in bars because they say hello.

When are you guys gonna learn?
Reply:you have to trust your gut instict on this 1 , why should you have to send her any money ? if she's that interested in you she wouldnt ask you to send her anything
Reply:hi send it to me, i will come and see u
Reply:You cannot be serious!
Reply:Next time why don't you say you'll pay for your own ticket to go and meet them? That should prove how genuine they are.. And why are you expecting them to come to you, anyway? If you like them that much why don't you make the effort to go over there and see if they really are what and who they say they are?

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