Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why is internet dating a waste of time and money?

go to

it's free...

...probably still a waste of time though

Why is internet dating a waste of time and money?
If u find someone it's not
Reply:It isn't a waste of time and money if you happen to find someone. A lot of people also meet here. I have had many wonderful people contact me. Most have remained friends and email buddies. Maybe you are looking for the wrong type of person, or you give the impression that you are.
Reply:Even if you don't meet someone personaly it can still be fun!
Reply:Who said it was?
Reply:I think because we all want instant want the first person you meet to be the ONE but in fact you have to date ALOT and you get tired of meeting losers! Eventually though i think it can work friend met her husband on

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