Sunday, November 20, 2011

Do internet dating sites really work?

They seem to work for some people. You meet the same people on-line that you would meet at the mall. There are no more weirdos on-line than there are off-line.

I've meet a few friends on-line, and I've heard of other people getting married.

Make sure that you know what you want first, and communicate that clearly in your profile. And when you meet someone for the first time, do so in a public place like a coffee shop so that if you decide that you do not like each other, at least he doesn't know where you live.

Do internet dating sites really work?
yeah but don't try it
Reply:I'm not quite sure about some of those Internet dating sites. I have heard and seen that Eharmony is a good dating site. You might want to try it out. My boyfriend and I didn't meet on a dating site, but we did meet in a chat room. We have been together ever since!
Reply:It did for us! We met on "Yahoo Personals" 4 years ago.

We've been married a year and a half now, and just celebrated the birth of our son! :-)
Reply:I met my wife in "Yahoo! 30s love" chat three years ago and life is great! We were living 300+ miles apart and would never have met otherwise.

E-Harmony set me up for a date with the most boring (albeit pleasant and polite) woman I ever met, plus a couple of real nut-cases who never got past the phone stage.

E-Harmony should require two more things:

(1) A recent photo, e-mailed directly to E-Harmony by a reputable photographer and released late in the process BEFORE e-mail addresses and phone numbers are exchanged, and

(2) An IQ test, with no matches made more than 20 points apart.
Reply:It's as good a place to start as any when you want to meet someone, I think probably safer than picking up someone in a club.

Use your commonsense and trust your instincts.
Reply:I don't think so too many weirdos out there

i see the answers tell a diff story

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