Have you had really, creepy old guys contact you? My age range is 28-33. I keep getting guys who are over 45.
And who actually thinks that calling someone honey, babe and sweetheart is a good thing in their first email? Or commenting on my boobs right away? It grosses me out.
I just ignore them and don't respond. Should I tell them the're gross and never gonna find someone or just block them without explanation?
Anyone try internet dating and have this problem?
I had that problem back when, but I think the guys that make boob comments or older guys hitting on the younger chicks just want attention. I think you should block without comment because when you comment it gives them the attention they want and they may try to contact you again, and when they find out they are blocked move on to the next girl.
If you don't give them the attention, hopefully, eventually they will realize that they aren't getting any attention and move on or stop all together.
Also isn't it sad that Men on here are telling you internet dating isn't the best way to meet men. But please we all know why they are really here...
btw I met my husband online but not in internet dating site but in a yahoo chat room. sometimes we get lucky and find a gem!
Reply:And they are probably good and married.
I really really admire you for even putting up with the pure BS and recognizing it for what it is...........bull puckey!!!
Yes, block them with no explaination. You are paying to be on that site......you are free to do whatever you want to do with your membership as long as it falls within the community guidelines. You have the right to not be bothered with old farts talking crazy!!!
Great job to you!!!! All your insight should attract the right type person to your life!!!
Reply:Hello, I have treid the internet dating thing. It is frustrating. I haven't had much luck. My age range I am looking for is 35-47, but I too get responses from men who are much older. Even worse I get responses from guys who are much younger.
And I am not rude to the much older or much younger men who respond. I just tell them that they are not in my range. Sometimes they try to put me down for not changing my range to fit their age. But why should I change my preference to what someoen else wants. Just like they have a preference so do I. And if they want to respond to someone who has stated a different age range up front they have to expect to be rejected.
As far as for the use of slang terms such as honey, babe and sweetheart in a first email it depends on exactly how they use the words ( I mean in what context). With my age range some of the older ones don't mean anything bad by using these words. I can usually tell if they are using these terms to be sexist.
Usually on dating sites guys will not come across and mention boobs or sex immediately. I do occasionally get this in instant messages. Sometimes I ignore them, and sometimes I actually start a conversation by asking them exactly what kind of woman they are hoping to find by being to blatantly disgusting. Some of them are otherwise good guys they just have no self-control. Usually if I take the time to start a conversation with one of them I can tell about five minutes into it if they are truly disgusting or if they just got a little over- anxious. I realize that sometimes men just do not think before they type.
Oh and also for the guys who respond that you are a loser for internet dating. Don't listen to them. I can tell you I have a GUY friend who met a woman online. After starting their relationship online they met and dated. Now they have just recently celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary. They have four beautiful happy well-adjusted children. So don't ever feel like you are a loser. People use the internet for dating for different reasons. Especially mature working adults. Sometimes it's more convenient with our busy work schedules. Kids who think that internet dating is for losers just haven't grown up yet and entered the real world. they are still at home letting mommy and daddy pay for everything.
Oh one more thing. If you are on a site it's a good idea to only use the email address provided by the site until you decide you want to use a more personal email contact. I mean I don't give my regular email to everyone who contacts me on a site. I know not everyone will be a good fit. If it were that easy to find a good fit I might not need the site at all. Be cautious and exchange emails on the site for a while to be sure you want more contact with someone.
Reply:Block them without explanation, the'll get the picture.
Reply:just because your age limit is that.. doesnt mean theirs is.. you need to act like an adult first off.. and yes older guys do that cause that is how most of them were raised..
let them know your not interested .. be polite.. it may gross you out but there must be someone out there that goes for that.. or maybe its the way your profile is presented..
cause im 26 and ive never got a comment online.. but in person.. the 'girls' draw the guys!
Reply:Block them!!
I had a problem but it was on email at work!
Don't talk to them, if you do they will feel like you have made a Challenge to make you like them !
Confusing i know but just let them be to their own Perverted mind!
x x x x
Reply:Block em!!!
Reply:are you talking about like myspace?
if so how do you know that they are 45 thats probly just the age they put i put a diff age on mine all the time hah idk why but its kinda funny
well just ignore them and read there like about me and if its not myspace or anything like that then block them
Reply:Yeah, it happens to me as well. Got older guys who is old enough to be my father :( Got learn to ignore them.
Reply:If I was you I would create a generic e-mail response (unless the website has a limit on how many replies you can send per day or something like that). Don't be mean but be clear that they don't fall in the criteria you set out. Then after that ignore them (or else they will feel it's okay to keep writing).
Reply:Oh yes, we have been there. If you feel unconfortable with such comments towards your body then is perfectly normal to ignore people cause they might be sexual freaks. On the other hand pet names like babe, honey etc are perfectly normal specially if you are in the dating channel.
Reply:block them or just ignore them... yeah, I had that experience too.
Reply:not myself but have heard of this kind of thing happening , believe some websites like plenty of fish allow you to decide what age can contact you .
the site that your on might offer same feature .
just blocking them might be a good idea if they keep emailing you, no explanation is needed don't fell sorry for them , i bet they sent out 20 other emails like it to every other single girl on the site .
Reply:I have the same problem... I have been trying this online dating thing for 2 months and I my age range is 22-30 and I always get nasty 50 year old men telling me they will take care of me. Ewww!! I never respond. Maybe we should tell them where to go!
Reply:maybe you shouldnt be such a loser and internet date? you call them a loser, but you looking for a relationship on the internet... hahahahahahahahahaha
Reply:hi there!
Well you gotta read the " Meeting Hot Sexy Singles Live on the Web".
Click the url in the source box.
Reply:just ignore them and dont respond
Reply:Personally.... I'm one of those creepy old geezers who contact women over the net.... and I don't call them 'honey', I try something suave like 'bella', and I don't comment about thier attributes over the net,,that's too tacky. So unless you're posting provocative pics, or not stating age preferences to whom you'll date.. you'll get obnoxious responses. Seriously, take it from a guy who has had dated women who left me, to deal with guys who beat them later... LUV is STRANGE. huh.
Reply:I've gotten the same type guys. Block them and delete the message. Some guys just get their jollies by being gross.
Reply:%26lt;--------why not a 22 year old
Reply:I had this problem too and I just ignored them.
Reply:Internet dating is bad. If you want a to meet a real guy a nice guy and not some freak, who profile say he's 28, 6'3 a Chippendale dancer, but when you go to meet him he is 45, living in moms basement balding and 5'4, the go to church or volunteer or something. Hell bars are better the the web at least you know people are full of **** there from the get go.
Reply:I've definitely been there and I ended up taking my profile down b/c they weren't really matching me w/ what I asked for and I was always getting guys who never paid attention to the age range I said I was looking for nor the other criteria I had set up. I would just block them. It's not worth your energy.
Reply:block without explanation. You have to remember that when doing online dating.. a lot of these people are doing it for a reason.. i'm sure there are still normal people on there
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